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Residents give their views of licensing laws to Lords inquiry

The House of Lords Licensing Act 2003 Committee will question residents' associations about the effectiveness and impact of current licensing laws, in its evidence session next Tuesday 11 October.

The Licensing Act 2003 set out to provide greater freedom to the hospitality and leisure industry, as well as giving consumers more choice. At the same time the new legislation was intended to grant authorities the appropriate powers to deal with misuse of these freedoms.

In its evidence session on Tuesday the Committee will focus on the tension between local residents and licensed venues in their areas, taking evidence from residents associations and Citizens Advice.

Giving evidence, at 11.30am will be Dr Alan Shrank, Chairman, and Carol Davies, from the National Association of Residents' Associations (NORA), Patricia Thomas, Chair, Harmood Clarence Hartland Residents' Association and Richard Brown, Westminster Citizens Advice.

Questions that they will face could include:

  • Do current licensing laws work in favour of residents' interests or against them?
  • Do licensing committees properly represent the interests of everyone involved?
  • Does the procedure allow residents to participate fully in the hearings before licensing committees?
  • Do other authorities such as police and planners reflect residents' interests fully?
  • What is the impact of temporary events notices on residents?
  • How do appeals work for residents?
  • What has been the impact of the Live Music Act 2012 on residents?

The evidence sessions will take start 11.30am next Tuesday 11 October in Committee Room 3A.

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