Secure and affordable energy v decarbonisation: Is the Government getting the balance right?
The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee's inquiry into ‘The Economics of UK Energy Policy' will next week hear evidence on whether the Government's energy policy is being implemented effectively.
On Tuesday 18 October 2016 the Committee will hear from:
At 3.35pm:
- Rupert Darwall author of Central Planning with Market Features: how renewable subsidies destroyed the UK electricity market for the Centre for Policy Studies.
- Dr David Clarke, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Technologies Institute and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
- Professor Michael Grubb, Professor of International Energy and Climate Change Policy at University College London.
At 4.30pm:
- Matthew Bell, Chief Executive, Committee on Climate Change.
Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:
- Should low carbon energy have the same priority as secure and affordable energy?
- Should the existing subsidies and support systems for renewable energy be scrapped?
- Is the UK investing sufficiently in researching and developing new energy technologies?
- Will leaving the European Union alter UK policy and if so how?
- Does the Climate Change Committee support the development of UK shale gas?
The Committee is exploring the present mix of policy interventions and subsidies in the energy market. The core question which it is seeking to answer is: “What are the failures, if any, in the energy market and what measures are needed to correct them?”
The evidence session will take place at 3.35pm on Tuesday 18 October 2016 in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.