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Former Chancellor, Lord Lawson, and Lord Turner of Ecchinswell to give Lords Committee their views on energy policy

On Wednesday 14 September 2016, Lord Lawson of Blaby and Lord Turner of Ecchinswell will give evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee's inquiry into ‘The Economics of UK Energy Policy'.

Lord Lawson is a former Secretary of State for Energy. Lord Turner was the first chairman of the Climate Change Committee that was established in 2008. They will be asked for their views on the current Government's energy policy.

The Committee is exploring the present mix of policy interventions and subsidies in the energy market. The core question which it is seeking to answer is: “What are the failures, if any, in the energy market and what measures are needed to correct them?”

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

1. Are the Government's objectives for energy policy the correct ones?

2. How successful has recent Government policy been in achieving those objectives?

3. What role should the Government play in the energy sector? Is the right balance being struck between the roles of government and the private sector?

4. Should the terms of the agreement to build Hinkley Point be revisited?

5. Should the UK proceed with developing its shale gas reserves?

6. Should the UK be concerned about energy security given rising imports of oil and gas?

7. Are you surprised that domestic energy bills have not reduced in line with falling wholesale prices?

The evidence session will take place at 3.35pm on Wednesday 14 September 2016 in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.


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