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Lords to question George Eustice MP on future of UK fisheries after Brexit

The House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee will continue its short inquiry into Brexit and UK fisheries policy on Wednesday 14 September when it will question the Minister for Fisheries George Eustice MP and representatives from Norway and Iceland

The Committee previously explored some of the UK's interests in a future fisheries relationship with the EU and what opportunities the UK has to protect those interests after Brexit.

In this session, the Committee will further assess the UK's approach to a fisheries policy post Brexit and question George Eustice MP on what his plans are to co-operate with the EU to deliver this. Representatives from the Norwegian Ministry for Trade, Industry and Fisheries and Iceland's Ambassador to the UK will also provide evidence on how other coastal states approach fisheries management from outside the EU.

The House of Lords EU Committee and its six Sub-Committees are conducting a coordinated series of short inquiries looking at the key issues that will arise in the forthcoming negotiations on Brexit. Taken as a whole, this programme of work will be the most extensive and thorough parliamentary scrutiny of Brexit.

At 10:30am the Committee will speak to:

  • H.E. Thórdur Aegir Óskarsson, Ambassador of Iceland to the UK, Icelandic Embassy
  • Mr Vidar Landmark, Director General, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
  • Mr Geir Ervik, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

The Committee is likely to cover areas including:

  • How are fisheries managed in other coastal states and what are the key objectives and features of those policies?
  • What type of fisheries agreements do other coastal states have with the EU, or the EU and non-EU coastal states?

At 12:00pm the Committee will speak to:

  • George Eustice MP, Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Areas the Committee will question Mr Eustice on include:

  • What should be the purpose of a UK fisheries policy after Brexit and how will the Minister ensure that this policy is aligned to the interests of the seafood industry and fishing communities?
  • To what extent, and how, does the Minister envision the UK coordinating Total Allowable Catches and quotas with the EU and other European countries after Brexit?
  • Given the sectoral differences within the UK, and the opportunity for redesigning UK fisheries policy, how does the Minister intend to involve industry, devolved administrations and other interested parties in the development of post-Brexit fisheries policy?

The evidence sessions will start at 10:30am on Tuesday 13 September and will be held in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

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