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Brexit and State aid – Lords to hold follow-up session

On Thursday 18 July the House of Lords EU Internal Market Sub-Committee will hold a follow-up evidence session on Brexit and State aid with Professor Steve Fothergill of the Industrial Communities Alliance.

The session follows the publication of the Industrial Communities Alliance's report on regional State aid in the UK and options for diverging from EU rules after Brexit.

The session will focus on regional State aid in the UK and options for diverging from EU rules after Brexit. It will also cover more general matters such as the Alliance's engagement with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the context of Brexit.

The session will start at 10.10am in Committee Room 4A, and questions are likely to include:

  • What is your assessment of the Government's preparations for establishing a domestic State aid framework?
  • If the Government was to widen the range of beneficiaries of State aid after Brexit, which sectors and activities should it prioritise?
  • What are the ways in which your organisation could influence policy making at EU level after Brexit?

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