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Cabinet Office to give evidence to Lords Electoral Registration Act Committee

On Tuesday 16 July 2019 to commence its new inquiry the House of Lords Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 Committee will take evidence from two officials from the Cabinet Office.

This evidence session, which is open to the public, will start at 3.30pm in Committee Room 2A of the House of Lords. The Committee will take evidence from:

  • Peter Lee, Director, Constitution Group, Cabinet Office
  • Simon James, Deputy Director, Elections Division, Cabinet Office.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • Has the Act fulfilled the Government's objectives? What lessons have been learned?
  • What work is the Government doing to improve electoral registration and administration?
  • Is the Government planning to introduce a central or online system for allowing electors to check their registration status?
  • How effective has the Act been in its stated purpose of tackling fraud?
  • How have the voter ID pilots fared?
  • What are the annual canvass's key problems?
  • Do Electoral Registration Officers have the resources they need to do their jobs properly?

The Committee is chaired by Lord Shutt of Greetland and is required to report to the House by 31 March 2020. It will publish its call for evidence in due course.

The members of the Committee are:

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