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New Select Committee on Public Services proposed as part of more comprehensive Lords committee set-up

The House of Lords Liaison Committee has today published its major review on developing the work of the House's Select Committees, proposing a move towards a more thematic approach to committee work and the creation of a new Committee on Public Services.

The proposed changes are intended to allow Lords committees to work in a more flexible and timely way, across a wider range of subjects than has been possible in the past. The reforms would build upon Lords Committees' current strengths of high quality and detailed research.

The formation of the new Public Services Committee would build on the thematic approach the Liaison Committee is setting out for Lords committees and plug a major gap that currently exists in areas of policy they cover. The Liaison Committee anticipate health and education will be two important policy areas the new committee on public services will focus on.

Other recommendations in the Liaison Committee report include:

  • Lords Committees should do more to communicate their work both inside and outside Parliament. This should ensure a clearer communications and engagement strategy for each inquiry, greater use of digital platforms and social media and more stakeholder events and seminars.
  • Chairs of former Special Inquiry Committees can propose to the Liaison Committee to hold short follow-up inquiries into their reports. If agreed the Liaison Committee would co-opt the proposing Chair and three other former members of the original committee to join them in holding two or three evidence sessions on the relevant issues. They would then publish a short follow-up report that the Government would be required to respond to.
  • Members of the House of Lords whose proposals for new Special Inquiry Committees (of which four are appointed each year) are shortlisted will be asked to appear before the Liaison Committee to make the case for their proposal in person. 
  • The current structure and staffing of the EU Select Committee and its six sub-committees will continue until there is more clarity over Brexit and how and when the UK will leave the EU.

The changes are part of a step-by-step approach to developing the work of Lords Committees, taking account of the widespread consultation that has been undertaken as part of this far-reaching review.

Commenting Lord McFall, Chair of the Lords Liaison Committee, said:

“House of Lords committees are rightly one of the most valued facets of our work. They perform a vital role, using the rich expertise of members of the House to produce detailed cross-cutting reports that raise important and often overlooked issues and have a real impact on public policy.

“However, it is important to ensure Lords committees continue to look into what matters to the public in order to remain fit for the future. That is why we are proposing a new committee on public services.  Health, education and other areas of social policy are issues that people care deeply about and we hope this new committee will ensure they are properly scrutinised.

“The proposed thematic structure will allow the House to continue to adapt to the ever evolving technological, social and political changes facing the country. By so doing our committees will not only maintain but enhance their well-deserved reputation as outstanding beacons of parliamentary scrutiny."