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Brexit, judicial impartiality, diversity, and budgets: Lords Constitution Committee to question Supreme Court President and Deputy President

President of the Supreme Court Baroness Hale of Richmond, and Deputy President of the Supreme Court Lord Reed, will be questioned by the House of Lords Constitution Committee on Wednesday 20 March.

The session will see the Committee asking questions on issues including the operation of the Supreme Court, budgetary matters, Welsh law, judicial interaction with the media and social media, and the challenge of Brexit.

The session will start at 10am in Committee Room 1. Questions are likely to include:

  • The justice system has been under significant budgetary pressure in recent years. To what extent, if at all, has that pressure manifested itself in the workings of the Supreme Court?
  • What is your view of the development of Welsh law, and the extent to which a distinct jurisdiction may be emerging?
  • What do you think the benefits and drawbacks would be of more proactive use of social media by judges?
  • What challenges, if any, will the judiciary face when interpreting retained EU law?
  • Do you think there should be a minimum number of female Justices of the Supreme Court, or sitting on each case? 

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