Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Minister and officials to give evidence to Commons and Lords anti-money laundering inquiry
On Monday 25 March the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill will hear evidence from Kelly Tolhurst MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), along with two senior officials.
The Committee was appointed to consider and report on the Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill. The draft Bill would establish a public register, held by Companies House, of the beneficial owners of overseas entities that own or purchase land in the UK. It would require overseas entities to identify their beneficial owners, disclose that information to the register, and annually update the information.
Giving evidence to the Committee at 4.30pm will be:
- Kelly Tolhurst MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, BEIS
- Jacquie Griffiths, Policy Lead on the Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill, BEIS
- Matthew Ray, Deputy Director of Company Law, Transparency and Tax, BEIS
Questions are likely to focus on:
- The content and reliability of information on the register
- The draft Bill's scope: what kind of entities are required to register their ownership information
- Enforcement of the draft Bill
- Potential risks to third parties
The session will start at 4.30pm in Committee Room 4 on Monday 25 March.