Lords to quiz DExEU Secretary on next steps for Brexit
The House of Lords EU Committee will next week take evidence from Stephen Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.
The evidence session will start at 11:10am on Wednesday 15 May in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.
Areas the Committee will cover with Mr Barclay include:
- Whether the defeats of the Withdrawal Agreement in the House of Commons mean a compromise with the Opposition parties will be necessary to secure parliamentary approval.
- The issues being discussed with the Labour party in the cross-party talks, including a customs union or ‘confirmatory public ballot'.
- The options that will be put to the House of Commons if no agreement is reached with the Labour Party.
- How the Article 50 extension will impact on the terms and length of the transition period, and whether the transition can be extended if necessary.
- Whether the Government intend to seek further changes to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.
- Whether the Government is still preparing for a possible ‘no deal' Brexit
- How the UK will continue to exert influence in Brussels both during and after the transition period.