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Consultancy firms to give evidence to Lords EU Committee

On Thursday 18 June 2020 representatives from the accountancy firms KPMG, Deloitte and RSM will be giving evidence to the House of Lords EU Services Sub-Committee.

This evidence is part of the Committee's inquiry into future UK-EU relationship on professional and business services.
This session will be held remotely and streamed on Parliament TV.
At 10am the Committee will hear from:

  • Helen Brennan, Director, KPMG UK
  • Simon Hart, Partner, International, RSM UK
  • Nick Owen, Chairman, Deloitte UK

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What are the main trade barriers that your companies risk facing after the transition period?
  • How effective have existing EU trade agreements, such as the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, been in addressing trade barriers in your sectors?
  • What provisions on the temporary mobility of professionals should the UK and EU seek to agree?
  • How significant are provisions on establishment rights and cross-border investment for your sectors?
  • What support would you like the Government or the EU to put in place if an agreement appeared unlikely?
  • What form should UK-EU regulatory cooperation, for example on accounting and auditing, take?

On Friday 22 May 2020 the Committee invited written contributions to this inquiry.

Read the full call for evidence and find out how to submit evidence before the 28 June deadline.

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