Lords Finance Bill Committee to take evidence on the impact of off-payroll reforms on labour provision in the UK
On Monday 9 March 2020 the House of Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee will take evidence from the Unite union and the Centre for Research on Self-Employment.
This evidence session will focus on the modern labour market and the gig economy, and the consequences for labour provision in the UK of the proposed IR35 changes.
Giving evidence to the Committee at 3.15pm will be:
- Siobhan Endean, National Officer at the Unite union (Unite)
- Professor Patricia Leighton, Centre for Research on Self-Employment (CRSE).
Questions will include:
- What factors have influenced the big increase in the use of personal service companies?
- How easy is it to test for “false self-employment”?
- How do the proposed IR35 changes relate to the wider context of changes in working arrangements within the wider economy?
- How should employment law and the tax rules around employment status be aligned?
- Will there be any change in the use of umbrella or similar companies as a result of the extension of the proposed rules to the private sector?
- Could the Government's policy objectives have been achieved in a better and simpler way?
This evidence session, which is open to the public, will begin at 3.15pm on Monday 9 March 2020 in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.