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Why have health inequalities increased?

On Wednesday 11 March 2020, the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will continue its inquiry into Ageing: Science, Technology, and Healthy Living with an extra meeting to hear from Professor Sir Michael Marmot about his recent review of health inequalities in England.

The Committee has heard evidence about stark inequalities in the health of different parts of the population, particularly in old age.  The Committee will ask Professor Marmot about the key findings from his recent review, to understand the extent to which health inequalities have increased in the decade since his first report.  The Committee will also ask Professor Marmot about the reasons for the widening gap between the most and least healthy, and what could be done to close this gap.
The evidence session will begin at 3.20pm in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords with Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Director, UCL Institute of Health Equity.
Questions likely to be asked include:

  • What have been the main changes in health inequalities since your original report in 2010?
  • How does the UK compare to other countries in terms of inequalities in lifespan and healthspan?
  • Is the Government realistic to be aiming for five years of extra healthy life by 2035, whilst reducing inequalities?
  • What will be the economic and social consequences if health inequalities aren't reduced?

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