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Lords EU Committee to hear evidence on post-Brexit financial services and research and education

Wednesday 28 October 2020

On Thursday 29 October the House of Lords EU Services Sub-Committee will be holding two evidence sessions.

These sessions will be held remotely and streamed on Parliament TV.

At the first session, which will begin at 10am, the Committee will take evidence on financial services after Brexit from Sir Jonathan Faull, Partner at the financial communications consultancy, Brunswick.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What would be the consequences for the financial services sector if the UK fails to secure positive equivalence determinations from the EU?
  • How important is it that any mutual positive equivalence determinations are underpinned by an agreed framework for the orderly withdrawal of equivalence?
  • How should future UK-EU dialogue on regulatory cooperation in financial services be structured?
  • What are the key risks and opportunities for potential regulatory divergence after the transition period?
  • How will financial services be affected if the future UK regulatory framework, as expected, delegates more power to financial regulators?

The second session, which will begin at 11am, will take evidence from Professor Graeme Reid, Chair of Science and Research Policy at University College London. He will be giving evidence to the Committee’s short inquiry into the future UK-EU relationship on research and education.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • How important is international collaboration in research and innovation?
  • What is the scale of the UK’s scientific collaboration with EU Member States relative to collaboration with other parts of the world?
  • If the UK does not associate with Horizon Europe, should the Government seek to replicate EU funding domestically?
  • How should the Government support those academic disciplines, geographic regions and institutions that stand to lose out if the UK does not associate with Horizon Europe?
  • What opportunities exist for the UK’s research and innovation sector after the transition period?

More on this inquiry

Last week the Committee took evidence from the Royal Society, Wellcome Trust, National Union of Students, and Universities UK International. You can watch the session on Parliament TV.

This short inquiry will build on the former EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee’s February 2019 report, Brexit: the Erasmus and Horizon programmes. Further information is available on the inquiry’s website.

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