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New inquiry launched on post-Brexit common frameworks

Friday 23 October 2020

The House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee today invites written contributions to its inquiry into the United Kingdom’s common frameworks programme following Brexit.

Common frameworks are the mechanism for the UK and devolved governments to mutually agree some amount of regulatory consistency in policy areas where returning EU powers are within devolved competence.

The Committee wishes to examine how the common frameworks programme will operate and relate to other initiatives, notably the Internal Market Bill, how it could be reviewed and improved in future, and the role for parliamentary scrutiny across the UK.

The topics the Committee is seeking evidence on include:

  • What would a successful common frameworks programme look like? How should common frameworks fit within the broader devolution settlement? 
  • How can common frameworks relate to the Internal Market Bill, in particular the Market Access Commitment?

  • How should common frameworks facilitate cooperation or manage divergence between the four administrations? Is the dispute mechanism that has been proposed satisfactory?

  • How will common frameworks interact with the Northern Ireland Protocol? How should they operate with respect to Northern Ireland

  • What should the process be for reviewing common frameworks after their implementation? What role should there be for parliamentary scrutiny and to what extent should this be underpinned by greater cooperation between the UK and devolved legislatures?

The Committee invites interested individuals and organisations to submit written evidence by 30 November 2020. 

You can read the full call for evidence and follow the progress of the inquiry on the Committee's website.  

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