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Peers to quiz Environment Secretary on post-Brexit future of UK chemical industry

Environment Secretary George Eustice will face questions about the impact of Brexit on Britain’s chemical industry when he appears before the House of Lords EU Environment Sub-Committee tomorrow (Thursday 22 October from 4 p.m.).

The Committee wrote to the Government earlier this month arguing that failure to agree data-sharing arrangements on chemical safety information with the EU could lead to less effective, more expensive products on UK shelves or less manufacturing in the UK and reduced choice for consumers.

The evidence session will cover key issues including:

  • The Government’s aims for the chemical industry as part of the future relationship negotiations with the EU;
  • Does the Government accept the chemical industry’s estimate that it will cost as much as £1BN to transition to a UK Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regime?;
  • Is the Health and Safety Executive ready to act as the UK’s chemical industry regulator from 1 January 2021?;
  • How high in the list of Defra’s priorities is the chemical industry in the Brexit process.

Giving evidence with Mr Eustice will be Gabrielle Edwards (Deputy Director of Chemicals, Pesticides and Hazardous Waste, Defra), Dr Jo Bray (Deputy Director of Chemicals, Bioeconomy and Plastics, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) and Dr Richard Daniels (Divisional Director, Health and Safety Executive).

The session will be live on Parliament TV.

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