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Lords Finance Bill Sub-Committee to hear evidence on off-payroll working

Monday 6 December 2021

Later today the House of Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee will take evidence for its off-payroll working follow-up inquiry.

This evidence session will be streamed live on Parliament TV.

At 4.15pm the Sub-Committee will take evidence from:

  • Andrew Chamberlain, Director of Policy, Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed
  • Phil Pluck, Chief Executive, Freelancer and Contractor Services Association
  • Martin McTague, Policy and Advocacy Vice-Chair, Federation of Small Businesses.

At 5.15pm the Sub-Committee will take evidence from:

  • Meredith McCammond, Technical Officer, Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
  • Colin Ben-Nathan, Chair of the Employment Taxes Committee, Chartered Institute of Taxation
  • Alice Jeffries, Lead Tax Advisor, Confederation of British Industry
  • Stephen Ratcliffe, Member of the Legislative and Policy Committee at the Employment Lawyers Association (ELA)

Topics the Sub-Committee is likely to cover in these sessions include:

  • The number of contractors affected by the new off-payroll working rules.
  • How the off-payroll working rules have operated in the first eight months they have applied to the private sector.
  • Effectiveness of CEST as an aid to determining the status of contractors for off-payroll working purposes.
  • Effect the off-payroll working rules have had on the way engagers recruit contractors and on the rates contractors are paid, gross and net of any deductions.
  • How well the implementation of the off-payroll working rules has gone for businesses.
  • Challenges faced by businesses in applying the off-payroll working rules to their contractors.
  • Compliance activity carried out by HMRC to check how engagers are applying the rules.

This is a follow-up inquiry to the Sub-Committee’s April 2020 report, ‘Off-payroll working: treating people fairly’, on the Government's proposals for moving responsibility for assessing compliance with its off-payroll working rules (IR35) from contractors to those who engage them.


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