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Lords to question Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park on whether UNCLOS remains fit for purpose in the 21st century

Monday 6 December 2021

In the final evidence session of its inquiry into the operational effectiveness of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee will hear from Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park, Minister for Pacific and the Environment at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The session will start at 10am on Wednesday 8 December and will be available to watch live or on demand at Parliament TV.

Questions will include:

  • Does the Government consider UNCLOS to be fit for purpose? Is it the Government’s view that any parts of UNCLOS should be updated or amended?
  • What are the important international partnerships and alliances for the UK when considering new treaties or regulations relating to the law of the sea? What is the UK’s approach to the Meeting of States Parties provided for in UNCLOS?
  • What is the Government doing to ensure that member states comply with UNCLOS and the principles of the law of the sea, including freedom of navigation?
  • What is the Government’s understanding of the obligations of states when human rights abuses take place at sea? What actions are the Government taking to ensure the effective implementation of human rights law at sea?
  • What is the Government’s assessment of the dispute settlement mechanisms available under UNCLOS? Do they enable states to resolve disputes peacefully and effectively? What is the Government’s approach to the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea, including its advisory jurisdiction?
  • Does the Government think states’ maritime entitlements should be adjusted as sea levels rise, or should they be fixed? How does the Government plan to support those affected by sea-level rise, and how prepared is the UK to support climate change refugees?

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