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EU Committee seeks evidence for its new inquiry on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA)

The House of Lords EU Goods Sub-Committee today invites written contributions to its new inquiry into the future of the UK-EU relationship, focussing on trade in goods.

This inquiry will examine the impact of the provisions set out in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), and what a UK-EU relationship could and should look like going forward.

The areas of the TCA that relate to the EU Goods Sub-Committee’s remit include: non-tariff barriers to trade; customs and trade facilitation; transport; the ‘level playing field’; and public procurement.

The questions the Committee is seeking evidence on include:

  • As opposed to other possible outcomes, what does the presence of a UK-EU free trade agreement mean for trade in goods?
  • What is your assessment of the relevant provisions in the TCA and their impact on your business or policy area?
  • What, if any, challenges arise because of those provisions? How should these challenges be addressed and what support is needed, if any?
  • What do you identify as the most important issues that the TCA leaves for further negotiation? What would represent a best-case resolution of these issues?

Within the parameters of the TCA, what should the UK seek to accomplish with the EU in relation to your industry or policy area in the short, medium and long term?

The Committee invites interested individuals and organisations to submit written evidence to this inquiry by 5 February 2021.

Read the full call for evidence and find out how to submit evidence.

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