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Lords EU Committee to take evidence on the level playing field, technical barriers to trade and taxation

Friday 29 January 2021

On Monday 1 February 2021 the House of Lords EU Goods Sub-Committee’s inquiry, ‘Future UK⁠–EU relations: trade in goods’, will take evidence on the level playing field, technical barriers to trade and taxation.

The session will be held remotely and streamed on Parliament TV.

At 10.30am the committee will hear from:

  • Liam Smyth, Director of Trade Facilitation, British Chamber of Commerce
  • Jo Lappin, Chief Executive, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Allie Renison, Head of EU and Trade Policy, Institute of Directors.

Questions the committee is likely to ask include:

  • Which of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement’s (TCA) provisions on maintaining a level playing field do you identify as the most important?
  • Within the parameters of the TCA, how much freedom does the UK have to pursue its priorities through subsidies? What are the primary causes of delays in the transportation of goods between Great Britain and the EU? What impact are these delays having on supply chains?
  • How can issues identified with customs controls and processes be most effectively remedied, and what should be done to minimise disruption in the short term and economic damage in the long term?
  • What are the consequences for UK businesses and customers of leaving the EU’s VAT system? How can the Government ensure minimum disruption and cost, both in the short term and the long term?

More on this inquiry

This inquiry, 'Future UK⁠–EU relations: trade in goods', has its own web page, where you can find the call for written evidence, launched on Wednesday, 20 January.

Last week the committee took evidence session from the auto, food and drink, and manufacturing industries on the UK-EU trade deal. You can watch the session back on Parliament TV.

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