Digital experts give evidence to Lords inquiry
15 November 2021
Peers will hear tomorrow (Tuesday 16 November from 2.45pm) from independent experts about the challenges facing digital regulators when the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee continues its new inquiry.
The inquiry is exploring the effectiveness of digital regulation and how to ensure that it is forward-looking, joined-up, and subject to Parliamentary scrutiny.
The committee will hear from:
At 2.45pm
- Rachel Coldicutt, Director, Careful Industries
- Sally Sfeir-Tait, Chief Executive Officer, Regulaition
At 4.00pm:
- Professor Andrew Murray, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Benedict Evans, independent analyst
Likely questions include:
- What will be the biggest challenges for digital regulation over the next 10 years?
- How can regulation keep pace with developments in technology?
- How necessary is international cooperation to ensure effective regulation?
The session will be live on Parliament TV.