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Lord to question Office for the Internal Market on Common Frameworks Programme

Monday 15 November 2021

The House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee will tomorrow be speaking to the Office for the Internal Market (OIM), which was established to provide independent reports on the functioning of the internal market and offer advice to the four administrations. This includes reporting on the effects of common frameworks on the internal market.

The session will provide the Committee with the opportunity to discuss the role of the Office for the Internal Market, how it will consider common frameworks, its relationship with the devolved administrations, the role it could play in the process of agreeing exemptions to the market access principles, how often it will report and how it will interact with the mechanisms of intergovernmental relations.

The session will take place virtually on Tuesday 16 November at 10:30am and can be followed on Parliament TV.

Giving evidence will be:

  • Jonathan Scott, Chair, Competition and Markets Authority
  • Rachel Merelie, Senior Director, Office for the Internal Market, Competition and Markets Authority

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What is the role of the OIM, its organisational structure, and how does it see its mission?
  • What does the OIM see as the main challenges for the Internal Market in the next few years?
  • How will the effects of the Common Frameworks on the Internal Market be measured?
  • What interaction has been had with the Devolved Administrations to date, and what input do they have in the governance of the OIM?
  • How will the OIM interact with the proposed reform of Intergovernmental relations?
  • What are the plans for future parliamentary engagement; and is there a role for the OIM in better informing scrutiny on the Internal Market?

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