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Mobilising action and changing behaviour on climate and the environment – Lords launch new inquiry

15 November 2021

Where does behaviour change fit into Britain’s long-term climate change and environment goals?

That is one of the likely questions when the House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee hears from experts tomorrow (Tuesday 16 November from 10am) as it launches a new inquiry into behaviour change in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and environmental issues such as biodiversity, water, waste and air pollution.
The new inquiry will explore what lifestyle changes all of us may have to make to achieve government goals on climate change and the environment, and what can drive change.

The committee has issued a call for evidence and kicks off its inquiry with questions to the Climate Change Committee (an independent body advising governments and reporting to Parliament on progress on climate change) and the Behavioural Insights Team (known also as the ‘Nudge Unit’ which works with national, regional and local government, businesses and charities to tackle major policy problems).

On Tuesday the committee will hear from:

  • Ewa Kmietowicz, Team Leader, Committee on Climate Change
  • David Joffe, Head of Carbon Budgets, Committee on Climate Change
  • David Halpern, Chief Executive, Behavioural Insights Team
  • Toby Park, Head of Energy and Sustainability, Behavioural Insights Team

The session will be live on Parliament TV.

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