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Lords re-open inquiry on UK-New Zealand trade negotiations

Thursday 28 October 2021

The House of Lords International Agreements Committee, chaired by Baroness Hayter, has this week re-opened its inquiry into the UK-New Zealand trade negotiations now that an Agreement in Principle has been reached.

The inquiry will look at all aspects of a new UK-New Zealand trade agreement, but in particular, to what extent the Agreement in Principle meets the Government’s stated negotiating objectives; how it will affect consumers and businesses; and the likely economic, social, environmental and other impacts of the agreement.

The Committee invites interested organisations and individuals to submit written evidence to the inquiry by 5 PM on Friday 26 November.

Topics the Committee is seeking written evidence on include:

  • Does the Agreement in Principle published on 20 October 2021 deliver on UK interests? What are the costs and benefits?
  • In particular, does the Agreement in Principle deliver on the interests of the devolved nations? How can the specific interests of the devolved nations of the UK be best protected as part of the negotiation of a UK-wide trade deal with New Zealand?
  • What are the key trade-offs the Committee should be focusing on when scrutinising the Agreement?
  • Will the Agreement adequately protect consumers? 
  • How might the UK agriculture and food industries approach any new competition that might arise from a trade deal with New Zealand (and others)?
  • Do the provisions on the recognition of professional qualifications and movement of business people go far enough? How useful are the provisions relating to dialogue and cooperation between regulatory bodies?
  • How will small and medium-sized businesses be impacted by the Agreement?
  • Does the agreement sufficiently promote international labour standards, gender equality and freedom from modern slavery?
  • Could the deal, and in particular the SPS provisions, have an impact on the operation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland and, if so, how?
  • What effect could a UK-New Zealand trade deal have on the UK’s future ability to negotiate deals with other countries, and to what extent does it set a precedent for future negotiations?

Baroness Hayter, Chair of the International Agreements Committee said:
“As we build new trade relations beyond the EU after Brexit, we want to ensure that trade agreements are beneficial for consumers, businesses, and for our economy as a whole, across all four nations. With the Government now having secured an Agreement in Principle on an FTA with New Zealand, the committee is keen to receive evidence on this deal to help us in our examination of it.

“We therefore encourage a wide range of people to come forward and share their views. This is crucial for us to conduct a well-rounded and well-informed inquiry.

“My committee will do all it can to hold the Government to account on this deal, ensuring that the voices from across society are heard, and concerns of its impact addressed whilst benefits fully recognised.”

The full call for evidence is available on the committee’s website.

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