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George Eustice MP to discuss Common Frameworks with Lords committee

Friday 10 September

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice MP, will next week be giving evidence to the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee, as it continues its inquiry into the Common Frameworks programme.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is responsible for the most Common Frameworks out of any government department, accounting for 14 out of the 32 Common Frameworks in development. The session will provide the committee with the chance to discuss the department’s experience of developing frameworks, the effect of delays on the frameworks, tensions between protecting the environment and establishing the Internal Market and the role of senior officials.  

Questions the Committee is likely to ask Mr Eustice include: 

  • What effect has the lack of completed frameworks had in DEFRA’s policy areas? 
  • Can you explain the substantial variation in quality of the framework summaries produced by your department? 
  • DEFRA frameworks are particularly exposed to the cross-cutting issues affecting all frameworks such as the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland and the UK Internal Market. How has a lack of resolution on these issues affected the development of frameworks in your area? 
  • Have you found any conflict between establishing the Internal Market and protecting the environment in agreeing the common frameworks?  
  • Will senior officials have a role in providing direction in individual frameworks?  

The session will take place virtually

The session will take place virtually on Monday 13 September at 3:30pm and can be followed on Parliament TV

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