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Lords launch inquiry into delivering a UK science and technology strategy

Thursday 10 February 2022

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has today launched its inquiry into the Government’s plans to deliver a UK science and technology strategy and is inviting written evidence contributions.

The Government wants to make the UK a “science and technology superpower”. It has committed to increase research and development funding and has established the National Science and Technology Council to discuss a science and technology strategy at Cabinet level. The Council has identified four strategic areas for UK science and technology to prioritise: health and life sciences, a sustainable environment, the digital and data-driven economy, and defence, security and space.

This inquiry will consider what it means to be a “science superpower”, what a strategy should look like and how the UK’s research and innovation system can deliver it.

The Committee will explore questions including:

  1. What would it mean for the UK to be a “science superpower?”
  2. Are the right structures in place in Government to implement a science and technology strategy?
  3. Does the introduction of a science and technology strategy challenge the ‘Haldane principle’, that researchers, not politicians, should determine which scientific projects to pursue, and UKRI’s commitment to fund outstanding research?
  4. Is the UK realising the potential of its existing research investment?
  5. How should state funding for research and development be allocated between different organisations, who should make that decision and by what criteria?
  6. What more should be done to encourage private-sector investment in research and development in the UK?
  7. How well does the UK collaborate on research with international partners and what can it learn from other countries?

Baroness Brown, Chair of the Science and Technology Committee, said:

“The UK has many respected academic institutions, but this alone will not make the UK a “science superpower”. The Government’s commitment to increase research and development funding is welcome, but it remains unclear how this will translate into achieving the four strategic priorities.

“In our inquiry, we will seek to understand what the Government’s ambition for the UK to be a “science superpower” means in practice. We’ll explore what a viable strategy for the UK’s science and technology sectors would look like, whether the right structures exist in Government to deliver a strategy and what the UK can learn from other countries.

“To inform our work we want to hear from groups ranging from academia and industry to civil society. If you have a view on what a UK science and technology strategy should look like, let us know what you think.”

The committee invites written contributions to its inquiry by Friday 25 March 2022.

Read the call for evidence for more detailed questions and find out how to submit evidence.

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