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Rail travel: has the pandemic changed it forever?

Monday 28 February 2022

On Tuesday 1 March 2022, the House of Lords Built Environment Committee will take evidence on rail passenger trends and the Government’s rail policy initiatives. It will also consider integration of rail with other modes of public transport.

This session is part of its new inquiry on public transport in towns and cities.

At 10am the Committee will hear from:

  • Phil Cameron, Interim Managing Director, Lumo, and First Rail Commercial Projects Director
  • Mark Hopwood CBE, Managing Director, Great Western Railway.

This evidence session will be streamed on Parliament TV.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What impact will reductions in passenger numbers, brought about by the pandemic, have on the provision of rail services in the medium and long term?
  • What is the evolving role of rail in relation to other modes of transport, particularly given changing commuter patterns?
  • To what extent are current Government policy initiatives, including the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail, Levelling Up White Paper and the Integrated Rail Plan, likely to improve services for consumers?
  • What are the barriers to the delivery of contactless ticketing and the further smart use of journey data? What are the examples of good and bad practice in the UK and/or overseas?
  • What are the other likely areas of innovation in urban public transport over the next 10 years? How should public policy be shaped considering these?

More about this inquiry 

The Committee’s work can be followed on its website and via Twitter.

Read the transcript of the Committee’s previous oral evidence session on 22 February 2022.

On Friday 28 January 2022 the Committee published a Call for Evidence – the deadline for submissions is Friday 11 March 2022.

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