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Economic and fiscal impact of family migration to be examined by Lords committee

Monday 18 July 2022

The House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee will tomorrow be looking at the economic and fiscal impact of UK family migration policies as it continues its inquiry into family migration.

The session will take place on Tuesday 19 July at 10am and on Parliament TV.

Giving evidence will be:

  • Professor Christian Dustmann, Professor of Economics, Director of Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London (UCL)
  • Professor Alan Manning, Professor of Economics at London School of Economics (LSE)
  • Professor Simone Moriconi, Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods at IESEG School of Management

Questions the committee is likely to ask include:

  • What is the impact of family migration on the UK economy, public finances and labour market, and how does this compare to migrants coming via other official routes?
  • Does the Minimum Income Requirement of the UK Immigration Rules achieve its objective (of ensuring that migrants coming on a family visa do not rely on public funds), and, if not, how could it be improved so that it does?
  • How can one best strike a fair balance between economic and fiscal considerations and the best interest of migrant children and the wellbeing of families?

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