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Environmental campaigners to give evidence to Lords Ofwat inquiry

Monday 27 June

The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee will continue its evidence sessions on the work of Ofwat, the UK’s water regulator, by hearing from environmental campaigners on water quality.

The session will take place on Tuesday 28 June and can be followed live on Parliament TV or in person in Committee Room 4a, Palace of Westminster.

Giving evidence at 10:30am will be:

  • Mark Lloyd,CEO, The Rivers Trust
  • Guy Linley-Adams, Solicitor, Salmon & Trout Conservation.

Possible questions include:

  • Is the Government’s draft Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan sufficient to significantly reduce storm overflows?
  • Does Ofwat receive sufficient strategic guidance from the Government on how to balance its objectives, particularly in relation to the tension between long-term investment and customer bills?
  • Should Ofwat be doing more to ensure that money in the water sector flows into investment, rather than out into executive pay and dividends?
  • Do water companies truly fear the consequences of regulatory interventions, such as fines, or are they seen as a cost of doing business?

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