Former Lord Chancellors to give evidence on role of Lord Chancellor and Law Officers
Tuesday 21 June 2022
The House of Lords Constitution Committee will tomorrow question former Lord Chancellors as it continues its inquiry into the role of the Lord Chancellor and Law officers.
Giving evidence will be:
- The Rt Hon the Lord Clarke of Nottingham QC, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (2010-12)
- The Rt Hon David Gauke, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (2018-19)
- The Rt Hon Jack Straw, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (2007-10) - TBC
Topics that may arise include:
- Definition of the rule of law and how it is protected within Government
- The political culture within which the Law Officers and Lord Chancellor operate
- Whether the role of Lord Chancellor should be separated from that of Secretary of State for Justice
- Whether the Lord Chancellor should be required to produce an annual report to be debated in Parliament
- Whether Lord Chancellors should have a legal or constitutional background
The session will take place on Wednesday 22 June at 10:15 AM and can be followed on Parliament TV.