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Lords Committee to explore challenges to implementing the Care Act 2014

Friday 17 June 2022

The House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee will hold evidence sessions with local authorities, charities and academics to explore challenges and solutions to implementing the Care Act 2014 and providing adult social care in rural areas on Monday 20 June from 3:45pm-5:30pm

The sessions can be followed live on Parliament TV.

Giving evidence at 3:45pm on the Care Act 2014 will be:

  • Belinda Schwehr, CEO of CASCAIDR (Centre for Adults’ Social Care – Advice, Information and Dispute Resolution)
  • Professor Jerry Tew, Professor of Mental Health and Social Work at the University of Birmingham

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • If the Care Act 2014 was appropriately enforced, what would social care services look like for unpaid carers?
  • To what extent are larger financial resources the only key to unlocking the potential of the Care Act 2014? What are other avenues for change and whose responsibility is it to put them in place?
  • How accountable are local authorities and social care providers when it comes to their legal duties under the Care Act 2014?

Giving evidence at 4:40pm on challenges and solutions for adult social care in rural areas will be:

  • Graham Biggs, CEO of the Rural Services Network
  • Kate Garner, Service Manager at Shropshire Council

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What are the key challenges to delivering adult social care services, both for individuals with care needs and for unpaid carers, in rural settings?
  • What is the potential of existing and future Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) when it comes to designing and delivering adult social care in rural environments?
  • What, in your experience, has been problematic about the traditional design and delivery of social care services in a rural area?

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