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Lords Committee to explore new approaches to adult social care

Monday 6 June 2022

Later today, the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee will hold evidence sessions with industry experts to explore asset-based approaches to care and the Personal Assistance (PA) model of care.

The sessions can be followed live on Parliament TV.

Giving evidence at 3.45pm will be:

  • Nick Sinclair,
    Director of the Local Area Coordination Network at Community Catalysts
  • Les Billingham
    Director of Adult Social Care at Thurrock Council
  • Rhys Davies
    Community Enterprise Service Manager at Somerset County Council

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • What role, if any, does co-production play in an asset-based approach to social care? How does this compare to the way that traditional services are currently designed and delivered?

  • What are the barriers to scaling up asset-based approaches, including from a workforce perspective? How can these barriers be overcome to enable the model to spread to other parts of the country?

  • What are the limitations of the micro-provider programme and of asset-based approaches to care more generally? How should we engage with these limitations, to ensure that asset-based approaches are successfully deployed alongside traditional services?

Giving evidence at 4.40pm will be:

  • Adolf Ratzka
    Founder at Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living
  • Theresa Shearer
    Group CEO at Enable Group

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • To what extent can the Personal Assistance (PA) model of support enable equality for people with care needs? How does this compare to other approaches to social care?

  • What are the lessons that can be learnt from the development of the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living, and of the growth of the PA model of support in Sweden more generally? How applicable are these lessons to other countries?

  • To what extent is the successful uptake of personal assistance linked to the availability of funding? From an economic perspective, can our Committee make the case for this model of care, and if so, how?

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