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Lords energy inquiry: how does the Bank of England see its role in supporting the Government’s net zero policy?

Monday 16 May 2022

On Tuesday 17 May 2022 the Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s energy supply and investment inquiry will take evidence from the Bank of England and UK Infrastructure Bank.

These evidence sessions, which are open to the public, will be held in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords and streamed live on Parliament TV.

At 3pm, the committee will hear from:

  • Sarah Breeden, Executive Director, Financial Stability Strategy and Risk, Bank of England.

At 4pm, the committee will hear from:

  • John Flint, Chief Executive, UK Infrastructure Bank
  • Chris Grigg, Chair, UK Infrastructure Bank.

Questions the committee is likely to cover in these sessions include:

  • How could the Bank of England use green stress tests to create policy?
  • Is the stigmatisation of fossil fuel investment amongst financial institutions a risk to financial stability?
  • Given the transition to net zero may not be orderly or predictable, how should ‘stranded assets’ be defined and banks’ exposures be measured?
  • Has the financial sector been too slow to offer green consumer financing such as eco loans and green mortgages?
  • How will the Infrastructure Bank be different to private sector investment in clean energy infrastructure?
  • What are the main challenges in energy supply and storage which the Infrastructure Bank sees itself helping to address?
  • Should the Infrastructure Bank take risks in supporting nascent technologies?
  • What lessons can the Infrastructure Bank learn from the establishment of the Canadian Infrastructure Bank?

More on this inquiry

The committee’s work can be followed on its website and via Twitter.

The committee’s UK energy supply and investment inquiry is finding out if the Government’s energy strategy is delivering investment in an energy supply that is resilient, affordable and in line with achieving net zero emissions. The focus of this inquiry is on long-term energy policy and trends in the energy market.

Read the transcripts of the committee’s previous oral evidence sessions on 10 May 2022:

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