Growing the creative industries - Lords Committee to ask UK and international experts
Monday 7 November 2022
The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee will tomorrow take evidence on the conditions for fostering growth in the creative industries, including the impact of the Creative Industries Clusters Programme.
The Committee will also hear about the experience of other countries including Canada and South Korea in developing their own creative industries, and what the UK can learn from their policy interventions and business environments.
The evidence sessions will start at 2:30pm on Tuesday 8 November in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords.
The full witness details are:
- Professor James Bennett, Director, StoryFutures
- Councillor Phil Seeva, Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, Local Government Association
- Paul Owens, Co-founder and Director, BOP Consulting
- Carolyn Warren, Director General of Arts Granting Programs, Canada Council for the Arts
- Professor Hye-Kyung Lee, Professor of Cultural Policy, Kings College London
- Dr Martin Smith, Managing Director, West Bridge Consulting
The first session will feature questions on key lessons on the role of clusters in encouraging economic development, the role of local government in supporting growth, and how skills training and industry needs can be better matched up at the local level.
The second session will explore the extent to which other governments are supporting their own creative industries; examine policy interventions and business environments that have benefitted industry; and evaluate international approaches to developing the skills needed for the future workforce.