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Creative industries inquiry: is our education system fit for purpose and will it deliver a skilled workforce for the creative industries?

Monday 31 October 2022

On Tuesday 1 November 2022 the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee will explore how well the pre- and post-16 education system prepares individuals with the skills necessary for work in the future creative economy.

The meeting will be held in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords. It will also be streamed live on Parliament TV.

At 2.30pm the Committee will hear from:

  • Dinah Caine CBE, Chair, Camden STEAM Commission
  • Eliza Easton, Deputy Director - Policy and Communications, Policy and Evidence Centre, Nesta
  • Olly Newton, Executive Director, Edge Foundation.

At 3.30pm the Committee will hear from:

  • Dr Paul Thompson, Chair of the Specialists Institutions’ Forum, Universities UK and Vice-Chancellor of the Royal College of Art
  • Corienne Peasgood OBE, President, Association of Colleges
  • Alun Francis OBE, Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Oldham College
  • Simon Field, Director, Skills Policy.

The first session will focus on the importance of pre-16 education in developing workplace skills and examine the extent to which creative subjects should feature in the national curriculum.

The second session will explore the extent to which Government post-16 education policy reflects the relative importance of the creative industries to the future economy, and how well technical education and higher education are developing the skills the future creative industries need.

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