UK labour supply inquiry: why is the UK seeing a rise in the level of inactivity in its workforce?
Monday 31 October 2022
At 4pm on Tuesday 1 November 2022 October the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee will be taking evidence from John Burn-Murdoch, Chief Data Reporter at the Financial Times and David Finch, Assistant Director for Healthy Lives at The Health Foundation.
This evidence session is part of the committee’s inquiry on the UK’s labour supply.
The meeting will be held in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords. It will also be streamed live on Parliament TV.
Topics the committee is likely to cover in this session include:
- Why the UK is seeing a rise in the level of inactivity in our workforce.
- How long-term sickness is defined.
- Whether increases in sickness-related inactivity are occurring among those who were already inactive for other reasons.
- Long-term sickness trends in the UK compared to different countries.
- What recent trends in UK health indicate about the condition of the NHS.
- The types of sickness which have been increasing.
More about this inquiry
Vacancies are still at record levels and above pre-pandemic levels in all industries. The committee is seeking to understand the main causes of the reduction in the size of the labour force, and it will explore data on the types of people who have left the labour market.
The committee is also interested in what differences exist between labour market trends in the UK compared with those in other developed countries.
The committee’s work can be followed on its website and via Twitter.