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Foreign policy experts to give evidence on CPTPP

Monday 4 December 2023

Tomorrow the House of Lords International Agreements Committee will be hearing evidence from geopolitical and foreign policy experts, as it continues its inquiry into the UK’s accession to CPTPP.  

Giving evidence will be: 

  • Creon Butler – Director, Global Economy & Finance Programme, Chatham House  
  • Professor Holger Hestermeyer – Chair of international and EU law, Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies  
  • Dr Inu Manak – Fellow, Trade Policy, Council on Foreign Relations. 

Questions the committee is likely to ask include: 

  • What is the place of the CPTPP in the emerging global trade landscape? How much does the UK's accession affect that? 
  • Is there any realistic prospect of the US re-engaging directly? If not, will they expect allies such as the UK, Australia and Japan to work with them? 
  • How can the issue of China and Taiwan accession be handled? What position should the UK take? 
  • What benefits can accession and the UK's broader 'tilt to Asia' bring? Will membership provide the UK with greater influence? 
  • What problems might be raised by the CPTPP for the UK because it was developed by others? How might it affect the scope for future agreements with the EU or anyone else? 
  • What steps should the UK take once a member to maximise its influence, and the benefits? 
  • What changes might there be to the global trade outlook if President Trump is elected President next November? 

The session will take place on Tuesday 5 December at 4.00 PM and can be followed on Parliament TV. 

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