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House of Lords Media Notices - January 2023

Inquiry into the effects of light and noise pollution on human health, Lords Committee launched
Call for evidence by Lords committee. Get engaged
More expertise and resource are required within HMRC to tackle fraud and error, says Lords report
Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee publishes report on the Government’s draft Finance Bill 2022-23.
Lord Hague to give evidence on future of the UK-EU relationship post Brexit to Lords European Affairs Committee
Lords European Affairs Committee hears from former Foreign Secretary and former Leader of the Conservative Party.
Lords Committee brands Government response on addressing access to public services for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities “disappointing” and demands further response
Public Services Committee writes to Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Lords committee calls for action to tackle the use of so-called SLAPPs
Committee writes to the Ministry of Justice and DCMS calling for action
Future of clinical research in the NHS in jeopardy without urgent action, warns Lords Committee
Lords committee writes to Minister of State for Health. Find out more
Lords question need for new category of migrant detention facility for Manston with reduced amenities and safeguards
Lords highlight concerns with short-term immigration detention facility
Reform of student loan system is too complex and may be inconsistent with Government’s Levelling Up agenda – Lords Committee
Lords highlight issues of concern. Find out more
Lords Communications Committee to question Ministers on the Online Safety Bill
Ministers and staff from Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport give evidence ahead of Lords scrutiny of draft new law.
Thérèse Coffey to give evidence to Lords Ofwat inquiry
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs appears before Lords Industry and Regulators Committee

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