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Horticultural Sector Committee: inquiry to hear evidence from Seasonal Worker visa scheme operators

Wednesday 12 July 2023

At 10.30am on Thursday 13 July 2023 the House of Lords Horticultural Sector Committee will be hearing evidence from:

  • James Mallick, Compliance and Implementation Director, Pro-Force
  • Justin Emery, Director, Fruitful Jobs
  • Simon Boyer, Chief Executive, Concordia.

This evidence session, which is open to the public, will be held in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords and streamed live on Parliament TV.

Topics likely to be covered in these sessions include:

  • The role played by scheme operators in the Seasonal Worker visa scheme.
  • How widespread worker exploitation is on UK horticultural farms.
  • How scheme operators work with overseas recruiters to source workers.
  • Effectiveness of the relationship between scheme operators, the Home Office, Defra and enforcement bodies such as the GLAA in ensuring sound enforcement practices.
  • How the role of scheme operators in the UK differs to the approach taken in other countries.

More about this inquiry

The cross-party Horticultural Sector Committee is considering the challenges, opportunities and risks faced by the horticultural sector, including the impact of rising input costs and labour and skills shortages, and how innovative technologies might address these issues and other pressing challenges such as the impact of climate change on productivity and food supply. In addition, it will explore how policy can support the sector in meeting the Government’s ambitions for levelling up and post-Brexit trade policy. It will publish its report by the end of this year.

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