Lord Chief Justice to give evidence to Lords committee
Tuesday 13 June 2023
The House of Lords Constitution Committee will tomorrow be holding its annual evidence session with the Lord Chief Justice, the Rt Hon the Lord Burnett of Maldon.
Topics that may arise include:
- The separation of the role of Lord Chancellor from that of Secretary of State for Justice
- The proportion of outstanding Crown Court cases
- The current state of the backlog for private and public family cases
- The impact of the increase in magistrates’ maximum sentencing powers, particularly on Crown Court backlogs
- Progress in the Courts and Tribunals reform Programme
- How to address the significant decline in the number of solicitors engaged in criminal legal aid work
- Progress in improving the diversity of judicial recruits
- The role that artificial intelligence might play in the courts system
The session will take place on Wednesday 14 June at 10:15 AM and can be followed on Parliament TV.