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Communications Committee to hear from competition law experts on Digital Markets Bill

Friday 23 June 2023

The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee will next week take evidence from leading experts on competition law as it explores the likely impact of the Digital Markets Bill on competition in the sector.

The session will start at 2:15pm on Tuesday 27 June in the House of Lords. Giving evidence to the Committee will be:

  • Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Director of the Competition Law Forum & Senior Research Fellow in Competition Law, British Institute of International and Comparative LawProfessor
  • Professor Damien Geradin, founding partner, Geradin Partners; Professor of Competition Law & Economics, Tilburg University; and visiting Professor, University College London

The session will be available to watch live and on demand at

The Committee will question the witnesses on a range of issues including the extent to which the Bill will address big tech firms’ capacity to use market power in one area to achieve dominance in another, whether Judicial Review is the right appeals standard against regulatory decisions, and the strength of the countervailing benefits exemptions contained in the Bill.

The session follows evidence this week from the big tech companies and consumer groups where witnesses questioned whether the appeals process contained in the Bill should be limited to judicial review or include a process for a full review on the merits of a regulatory decisions.

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