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Is the Government adequately tackling light and noise pollution? Lords Committee to examine

Monday 23 March 2023

At 10.15 am on Tuesday 28 March, the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will continue its inquiry into the effects of artificial light and noise on human health.

The Committee will hear from two panels of witnesses from relevant light and noise institutes. The Committee will ask whether current government policy for regulating light and noise pollution is adequate and being implemented satisfactorily and whether these policies reflect the latest scientific understanding of light and noise pollution. 

The Committee will hear from: 


  • Stephen Turner, Immediate Past-President of the Institute of Acoustics 
  • Peter Rogers, Chair of the Parliamentary and Public Liaison Group at Institute of Acoustics 
  • Paul McCullough, Member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health 
  • Somayya Yaqub, Member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. 


  • Guy Harding, Technical Manager at the Institution of Lighting Professionals; 
  • Allan Howard, past President of the Institution of Lighting Professionals;
  • Stuart Morton, Professional Head of Highways and Aviation electrical Design at Jacobs. 
  • Andrew Bissell, President of the Society of Light and Lighting. 

The public evidence session will take place at 10:15 am in Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster on Tuesday 28 March and can be viewed live on Parliament TV.

Possible question areas 

  • Are noise and light pollution being given appropriate weight by decision makers and do they have access to the latest scientific evidence when making their decisions? 
  • Given the number of governmental bodies involved in the regulation of light and noise pollution, is it clear where responsibility lies in all cases? 
  • Are there any practical interventions, either employed in some places in the UK or elsewhere in the world, which can reduce or mitigate the impacts of light and noise pollution from existing sources, which we should explore using more? 
  • What are the most pressing issues the Government should address with regard to light and noise pollution? 

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