Baroness Andrews, former-Chair of the Lords Adult Social Care Committee, criticises Government’s ‘deeply disappointing’ response to their report
Wednesday 17 May
Baroness Andrews, former-Chair of the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee, has criticised the Government’s response to the Committee’s report, A “gloriously ordinary life”: Spotlight on adult social care, calling it ‘deeply disappointing’.
Whilst Baroness Andrews welcomes the Government’s acknowledgement of the central importance of the adult social care sector, its support of the Carer’s Leave Bill (Private Members Bill), and commitment to ensure better data collection, Research and Development and innovation, she believes the response lacks substance and urgency.
Baroness Andrews also expressed disappointment that the Government has failed to address the invisibility of the sector as a whole, and rejected key recommendations relating to funding, workforce planning, accessible housing, and support for unpaid carers and personal assistants.
Other areas she believes the Government has failed to address include the proposed role of the Commissioner for Care and Support, and a review of the Care Act 2014.
Baroness Andrews said;
“In short, the overall Government response is inadequate and deeply disappointing. It rejects our key proposals for long term, systemic investment or policy changes which would bring greater resilience, fairness and capacity into the service. It also leaves unpaid carers with little hope of more support for their caring work at home or in the workplace.
In our report, we asked for change and ‘If not now. When?’. Unfortunately, this poor response does not provide the answer.”