First Civil Service Commissioner to give evidence on appointment and dismissal of permanent secretaries and other senior civil servants
Tuesday 2 May 2023
Tomorrow the House of Lords Constitution Committee will be hearing from the First Civil Service Commissioner, The Rt Hon the Baroness Stuart of Edgbaston, as it continues inquiry into the appointment and dismissal of permanent secretaries and other senior civil servants.
Possible areas of questioning include:
- How the recruitment and departure processes is carried out in practice for senior civil service posts
- How many permanent secretary appointments have followed the process set out in the Recruitment Principles and how many have not
- How the process differs for the appointment or departure of the Cabinet Secretary
- Whether there is a case for increasing or decreasing ministerial involvement in the appointment or redeployment of permanent secretaries and other senior civil servants
- To what degree ministers are involved in determining the criteria in job descriptions for permanent secretary vacancies
- Whether there is a case for greater formalisation of the dismissal or redeployment process in something akin to the Civil Service Commission Recruitment Principles
- The role of the Senior Leadership Committee in the appointment and dismissal of senior civil servants
- The appointment process for Civil Service Commissioners
The session will take place on Wednesday 3 May at 10:15am and can be followed live on Parliament TV.