Business experts to give evidence to Lords committee on CPTPP
Monday 13 November 2023
The House of Lords International Agreements Committee will be holding an evidence session, focussing on what the UK’s accession to CPTPP means for UK businesses, as well as which new goods and services access accession will lead to.
Giving evidence will be:
- Kate Foster – Head of International Affairs, Federation of Small Businesses
- Sally Jones – Partner, Trade and Policy Strategy, Ernest and Young
Questions the committee is likely to ask include:
- In broad terms, what does UK accession to CPTPP mean for UK businesses?
- What new goods access will CPTPP accession lead to?
- What new services access will CPTPP accession lead to?
- How do the CPTPP provisions on goods and services compare to existing Free Trade Agreements in general?
- Are there any new rules and regulations you would like to see in the future development of the CPTPP and the region?
- Are there specific sectors of UK business that are more or less likely to be affected by UK accession?
- Are there other current and/or future risks to UK businesses for CPTPP accession? If so, how could these be mitigated?
The session will take place on Tuesday 14 November at 4.00 PM and can be followed on Parliament TV.