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Lords Committee to quiz OpenAI, Google DeepMind and Aleph Alpha on Large Language Models

Friday 17 November 2023

Next week the House of Lords Communications Committee will hear evidence from Google DeepMind, Open AI and Aleph-Alpha as well as regulators on its penultimate day of evidence for the Large Language Models inquiry.

The sessions, which will start at 2:30pm in Committee Room 4 will see the Committee take evidence from:


  • Will Hayter, Senior Director, Digital Markets Regulation at the Competition and Markets Authority
  • Stephen Almond, Executive Director - Regulatory Risk at the Information Commissioner’s Office
  • Dr Yih-Choung Teh, Group Director of Strategy and Research at Ofcom
  • Anna Boaden, Director of Policy and Human Rights at the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Ofcom


  • Professor Zoubin Ghahramani, Vice President of Research at Google DeepMind
  • Sandro Gianella, Head of European Policy and Partnerships at OpenAI
  • Jonas Andrulis, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Aleph Alpha

In the first session the Committee will ask how LLMs will be addressed by regulators over the next three years; whether they have sufficient powers and capabilities; and how they will avoid duplication and gaps across their remits. The session builds on the Committee’s request for information from 10 regulators on their staffing, resources and powers.

Frontier AI labs
The second session with frontier AI labs will explore the future of large language models. Discussion will include frontier capabilities and their opportunities, and assessments of catastrophic security risk and early warning indicators. The Committee will also ask about how issues around hallucinations can be fixed, options for regulation, and how the organisations respond to concerns about the use of copyrighted material to train LLMs.

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