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Lords to hear further evidence on voter ID

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Tomorrow the House of Lords Constitution Committee will continue its inquiry into voter ID by quizzing election officials. The session will focus on the challenges in implementing the voter ID policy, raising awareness of it and the impact on administration and polling staff.

The session will take place on Wednesday 15 November at 10:15am and can be followed on Parliament TV. 

Giving evidence at 10:15am will be: 

  • Graham Farrant, Chief Executive, BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole) Council  
  • Cleland Sneddon, Chief Executive, South Lanarkshire Council  
  • Martha Matheou, Head of Electoral Services, London Borough of Sutton 

Questions the committee is likely to ask include: 

  • Were there any challenges in implementing the voter ID policy at the May 2023 elections and the recent parliamentary by-elections? If so, what were they? 
  • What are the greatest challenges facing local areas that have not yet had experience implementing the voter ID policy? 
  • What steps need to be taken to raise awareness of the voter ID requirement and the existence of the Voter Authority Certificate? 
  • Would an expanded list of accepted forms of ID help improve accessibility for voters? Is there an argument for accepting digital forms of ID? 
  • What impact will voter ID have on the administration of the next general election? How will this differ from the impact on local elections and parliamentary by-elections? 
  • Are you aware of incidences of abuse of staff at polling stations as a result of the introduction of voter ID? 

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