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Lord communications committee to explore how EU, US and China will regulate AI in evidence session with international experts

Friday 20 October 2023

The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee will next week take evidence from experts in US, EU and Chinese technology policy and regulation as part of its inquiry into large language models.

The Committee will explore the different approaches being taken to AI regulation across the world and what the UK can learn from them to inform its own approach. The session will also explore the global competition between the US and China to be the world leader in technological innovation.

The evidence session will start at 2:30pm on Tuesday 24 October in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords.

Giving evidence via video link to the Committee will be:

  • Anu Bradford, Professor of Law and International Organization, Columbia Law School
  • Dr Mark MacCarthy, Senior Fellow, Institute for Technology, Law and Policy, Georgetown Law
  • Paul Triolo, Senior Associate with the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Issues the session will cover include:

  • The strengths and weaknesses of the US and EU approach to regulating generative AI and how they balance the desire to support innovation with managing risks.

  • How China’s approach to generative AI differs from that in the US and EU, the role of the state and how this affects relationships with technology companies.

  • US-China technology competition over the development of the most advanced frontier AI models, and implications for the UK.

  • What the UK can learn from international regulatory approaches to AI as it develops its own model.

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