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Lords debate Adult Social Care Committee report

Friday 13 October

On Monday 16 October, members of the House of Lords will debate the Adult Social Care Committee’s report: 'A “gloriously ordinary life’’: spotlight on adult social care.'

The debate is expected to begin no earlier than 6pm and can be followed live or afterwards on Parliament TV.

On publication of the report, in December 2022, Baroness Andrews, Chair of the Adult Social Care Committee, said:

“In this report we have revealed the impact that the invisibility of the adult social care sector as a whole has on the way we perceive and provide for adult social care.

“Our recommendations are intended to bring those who draw on and provide unpaid care into the daylight and that starts with changing the perceptions around care, providing the realistic financial and workforce strategies that are long overdue, and planning for a system responsive to present needs and resilient for the future.

“All that will help the unpaid carer now so often at risk of poverty and ill health with a better future. But we want a better present for them too – and our specific recommendations for their support will deliver that.”

For more information:
View a list of speakers
Read the report
Read an interactive summary of the report
Read the Government response

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