Lords committee launches call for evidence on UK future skills needs
Thursday 25 April
The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee has today (Thursday 25 April) launched a call for evidence for its new inquiry into the skills the UK economy needs for the future, focussing in particular on apprenticeships and in-work training.
The committee is encouraging interested education and training providers, businesses, organisations and individuals to submit evidence on the following areas:
- Skills needed for the future of the UK economy;
- Capability of the UK’s skills and training system;
- Roles of the Government, employers, individuals and institutions within the skills system;
- Clarity and consistency of Government policies on skills;
- The Apprenticeship Levy;
- The role of business in encouraging the development of skills;
- Employer and employee incentives to engage in training;
- International comparators.
- Baroness Taylor of Bolton, Chair of the Industry and Regulators Committee, said:
“Our inquiry aims to shine a light on the UK’s current skills system, particularly apprenticeships and in-work training, and determine if it is fit for purpose to meet the fast- evolving needs of UK industry.
We encourage anyone with experience or expertise in this area to share their views with us.”
The complete list of questions, plus details how to submit evidence by the deadline of Friday 30 May 2023, can be found on the committee’s website.